H754 feed roller arm TMTW 630 right (BM000970)
Reduce unplanned downtime
Increase productivity and decrease fuel consumption
We use special steels by SSAB tailor-made for Balmec
Over 400 unique products for you to choose from
HTH460 feed roller arm (Waratah)
As a substitute for:
- F066125
- , F674681
- , F674685
- , F674678
- , F063520
- , F674683
- , F644879
- , F644878
- , F063522
- , F065068
- , F063521
- , F066126
- , F645835
H754 feed roller arm (John Deere)
As a substitute for:
- F674678
- , F674683
- , F065068
- , F644878
- , F645835
- , F063522
- , F063520
- , F674681
- , F066126
- , F644879
- , F066125
- , F063521
- , F674685