measuring wheel 200×100 Z34 W SP (BM001948)
661LF measuring wheel (SP)
As a substitute for:
Other parts:
- measuring wheel 200×100 Z34 SC SP (BM001946)
- measuring wheel 200×100 Z26 SL SP (BM001947)
- measuring wheel 200×100 Z34 W SP (BM001948)
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W — «Winter» profile — this profile is the
most agressive in our range and often
used on frozen trees and hardwood.
SC — «Scattered» profile — this profile is the
most universal, as it cuts completely
through the bark and therefore measures
accurately even the stems with loose bark.
This type of measuring wheels are the first
to try on every harvester head, as they
usually give the best measuring results.
S — «Summer» profile — this profile is mainly
used on soft wood and during the summer,
when only little penetration is needed to
measure the length.
SL — «Summer limited» profile — this profile is very
similar to «S», but has an additional depth stop to
prevent the wheel penetrating too deep into
the stem. This is a wheel with the smallest
penetration, therefore used only on very soft
wood and on trees with thin bark.
Я купил комплект внутренних вальцов Balmec для своей валочной головки H480c, они у меня уже год в работе, и они все еще выглядят как новые.
Он (измерительное колесо Z30 SC) работает исключительно хорошо при измерении деревьев с рыхлой корой, таких как лиственница. Пока нет признаков износа (после валки 4300 м³), и Мюррей на форвардере по-прежнему доволен точностью длины, когда он загружает две забойки баланса по 3 м!»
«Надежность и точность - вот что я получил, когда купил измерительные колеса у Balmec».
“I purchased a set of Balmec upper delimbing knifes for my H480c. The performance of the head was incredible after they were fitted”